
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My baby is farty

This kid smells! There's, like, a cloud of nasty reeking fartiness that extends around him for about 2 feet.

And he drools a lot too. Luckily, I just put a bib on him, and due to his insatiable desire to put everything in his mouth, he is currently using it to wipe his own face.

Wow, I suck at yoga

Well, today I took my first yoga class. We did some great poses, like Cobra and Warrior and Half-Moon and Tree.

The one I was best at, though, was definitely Falling Over Fat Lady. I sure was good at that one. In fact, I liked it so much that I chose to do it instead of most of the other ones.

Boy, am I sore. I did a 1 hour Pilates class, followed by a 1 hour yoga class, and I am done.

So I guess I'll have to go back to the gym tomorrow.

Monday, August 28, 2006

People need to get their priorities straight

I was exasperated with the JonBenet Ramsey case about 10 years ago. I remember thinking then that there were more important things for the news to deal with, like all the other murders out there that didn't involve little white beauty queens.

Then, when this story came back recently, I was even more exasperated. Why is this the top story on every news channel? There are so many more pressing matters out there.

Then, tonight, I just read this.

Apparently, all this fuss has been over some guy who didn't even do it.

The news people are a bunch of idiots.

Sacky has an anal fixation

My dear husband has just posted a rather lengthy blog entry concerning the finer points of etiquette and comfort while pooping.

I can't believe he spends so much time thinking about this shit. Pun intended.

I mean, it's just poop. You sit down, you get it out, and you go on with your life. It doesn't need to be this whole experience. Unless you're Sacky.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Where is swimming pool?

This whole next week, my swimming pool will be closed. I am already feeling very nervous about this. My whole body just wants to go swimming now, because today is the last day before it is gone for the week, and all I want to do is just go move around in all that nice warm water, but I am just too sore and so I won't.

Next week will be miserable.

Intruders may come with benefits

Ok, so when the intruders arrived, they came bearing gifts of green peppers, tomatoes, and green beans. We combined this with squash and very spicy chicken to form dinner, and I was appreciative.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Today my mother-in-law and her boyfriend will be coming to my house.

This is very stressful. Especially since my house is in a horribly messy state.

Yesterday I puked all over my job.

You see, my car has no air conditioning, and although I had a lot to drink yesterday, I was still in the car for a very long time, and I got extremely dehydrated. So I went in to work anyway because I knew my first student would show up, and I just barely got through the lesson before I deposited a large amount of Gatorade and some pieces of whole wheat rotini into the trash can in my room.

So then, after lying on the floor curled up in a ball for a little while, I managed to hobble upstairs to explain to everyone that I had puked and I didn't know what to do with it.

They didn't know what to do with it either.

After a while it was determined that the trash can and its vile contents ought to be hosed off outside, and I volunteered, since after all, I had been the one to produce the mess.

Most of this was entirely no fun.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Me vs. the Evangelicals, part 567389306

So, today, as I was leaving the building after a day's teaching, my evangelical student finally comes out with the question that has been dangling from his lips like several months' worth of fetid drool.

Are you a Christian?

Of course, I replied, I'm a Unitarian.

This did not satisfy him. Unitarians are deists, and deists are bad.

Faith is more important than works, because that's what gets you into heaven. That's what Paul said.

So I said, well, I'm not very big on Paul. Actually, I mostly think he was full of himself.

But Paul is the word of God, according to my evangelical student. Everything in the Bible is the word of God.

So Paul is equal to Jesus, I ask?

No, but it's still the infallible word of God. You can tell because your conscience tells you. And, if you ask, you will find out that this line of reasoning differs from that used by Mormons or other cults in one important respect: the Mormons are wrong, and my evangelical student is not. He can tell that he's not wrong. He can feel it.

I can feel in my conscience that homosexuality is not wrong, I say. I can tell. Is there any reason why it is wrong?

Of course. God gave us AIDS to show how wrong it is. AIDS spreads so well through anal sex that you can tell AIDS exists to punish gay people.

Except lesbians, I say. Because AIDS does not spread as well through lesbian contact as through heterosexual contact. So according to his line of reasoning, lesbians are really the pinnacle of morality. God definitely approves of lesbians.

He doesn't know about that, he says. But God made a man and a woman, and they come together for a reason- to procreate.

So he doesn't believe in sex without procreation, or celibacy?

Oh yes- that's not the only reason why God created sex. But really, can't I see how this entire country is falling apart since the sexual revolution in the 60's?

Not really, I say.

He is incredulous. He doesn't even know how to respond to that, he says. I ask him to explain to me, since it is so obvious.

Well, look at the violent crime rates and how they have gone up. The government should definitely have laws against nudity, pornography,'s very important for the government to set what is acceptable and be involved.

I consider this. I say, oh yes, and the sexual morality is even looser in Europe than here. He agrees- it's terrible! So I ask him why the violent crime rates are so much lower in Europe than in the United States.

He stops short. He doesn't know about that, he says.

Somehow the conversation turns to universal health care. I didn't bring it up. It is clear that he doesn't approve.

It is my turn to be incredulous. He doesn't believe in universal health care? After all this preaching about being Christian? Isn't being Christian about helping others and taking care of the poor?

Well, this is different, he says. He thinks it is better for the government not to get too involved with things. (Except for sodomy, which is much more important than people's health care. The government should definitely be involved in that. Sodomy is, like, official government business.)

I lambast him for about a half an hour about how un-Christian this is. He finally shows some signs of realizing that he is not making sense. This revelation may have been at least partially induced by my comment, "You're not making any sense." He promises to think about it.

The conversation goes on for a while longer, but mostly every time he can't answer one of my questions, he just sputters and then goes on about how my concience will give me the answer, but sometimes the conscience is amount of pointing out the difficulty of this line of thinking is effective.

I leave with a promise to reread Paul so I can discover its wisdom, and I strictly instruct him to do more thinking about health care. Voting for universal health care is an opportunity to pledge his tax dollars to help those in need, I say, and he shouldn't be hoarding his money because it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of an needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

I don't know, maybe I did some good. Or maybe I just elicited a lot of sputtering from a closed mind.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Why do people have to drive Hummers?

Yesterday, I was driving to the YMCA and this enormous tank of a vehicle was right behind me. Tailgating. And some loser in front of me decided that he needed to to go the fruit market without using his turn signal. So I had to stop very suddenly because that's what the guy in front of me did. So, the Hummer behind me almost hit me, and I was very upset, because my 3 month old baby was in the car with me, and he is pretty little, and I don't think he would stand up to that Hummer too well.

It annoys me so much that some people feel compelled to waste fossil fuels by driving these enormous vehicles. It makes me enraged that some people who do this drive BADLY, endangering the rest of us. I wanted to get out of my car and scream at whoever was driving that thing.

I also get very irritated when someone parks their Titan or their Explorer or their Suburban near where I want to park, and I can't get into the spot, or if I do get into the spot, I can hardly open the door. Most of the time lately, I just open the door the same way I would if their car were not there, figuring that if they can afford to waste money on one of those things, they can probably also afford to fix any minor scratches I may have caused just by going about my business.

One time, I had to park next to someone whose truck was so big that it took up sections of THREE parking spaces. So I made a point of parking about an inch away from their driver's side door, and just as I was getting out of my car, the driver of this behemoth appeared. So I smiled at her as if I was completely unaware that I had just blocked her in, and went away, leaving her to try and somehow reenter her vehicle.

My new plan, which I haven't managed to put into action yet, is to print out note cards that state "Your enormous vehicle made my life very difficult today" and just leave them on people's windshields.

I am mystified that some people can be so callous as to put their need to appear rich ahead of courtesy and safety. I hope gas gets to be $10 a gallon.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sometimes I wish that someone would come into my house and record a conversation that goes on here without our knowledge. I'm sure that everyone who heard it, including ourselves, would find it very entertaining to listen. Often I lose track of just how weird we actually are.

Here's a sample conversation that might occur between me and my husband at any time.

Phoooiee: Hey, butt.
Sacky: Stram-by.
Phoooiee: Hey, butt.
Sacky: Nurminal.
Phoooiee: Hey, butt.
Sacky: What, butt?
Phoooiee: What's dinner?
Sacky: Sauce.
Phoooiee: What's dinner?
Sacky: Poop steak.
Phoooiee: Hey butt, what's dinner?
Sacky: I don't know, butt.
Phoooiee: But what's dinner?
Sacky: [ignores Phoooiee]


Sacky: Ohhh...what would you do for a cheese chicken?
Phoooiee: Noodles!
Phoooiee: Did you take out the trash?
Sacky: No, you're still sitting there.
Phoooiee: [takes a few seconds to get it]
But did you take out the trash?
Sacky: No, junk.

This could continue for a very long time. Somehow we manage to have lengthy conversations without ever communicating anything or even making any sense. And I don't know why it is that we address each other as "butt." I think I started it, though.


Each and every time that someone knocks on the door, it strikes absolute terror into my heart, and I can't figure why.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Another really good sandwich is organic cherry fruit spread with organic almond butter on organic sprouted wheat bread.

I am eating it right now and it makes me very happy.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

God, I need a lentil burger.

I thought that I had discovered the most excellent food in the whole world, in the form of the California Wrap from the Monkton Village Market.

That was before I tried the lentil burger from the Monkton Village Market.

Now, the California Wrap has a lentil burger inside it. But what it does not have is a soft whole grain bun, a tomato, lettuce, vegan mayonnaise, and delicious cheddar cheese. I want another lentil burger.

I hate the teevee.

Today my husband's family was over. They hadn't seen us, or each other, for a few months or so. So what do they do, immediately when they enter the house? Do they talk to each other or interact? No- they turn on the teevee.

It was so boring.

After about 2 hours of NASCAR and some documentary on Motley Crue, I started feeling self-righteous, and so I took out a book and began to read, just to set a good example. I know I am not supposed to do this, because I am supposed to "socialize" but I figured that sitting and staring at a book counts as socializing as much as sitting and staring at the teevee.

Finally, someone asked me what I was reading about.

"Well, mostly it's about hermaphrodites," I cheerfully replied, "but right now it's about sex hormones."

No one bothered me again. And, I learned a lot about sex hormones.

I suck. I have the worst body ever.

Ok, so last weekend I go to the ocean, and I get a kidney stone.

This weekend I go for a bike ride, and now I can't get up. Literally. I'm stuck in the chair because it takes me 5 tries, and a lot of yelling and moaning and contorting into weird positions to get out of the chair, and it hurts so badly that it isn't even worth it.

Why do I have to have such a trashy self?

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Tomorrow my husband's family is coming over to see the baby and so we have to clean the house, and I don't want to do it.

The house is so messy I have no idea what to do with it. I know that no matter how long we spend on the house, it's still going to be totally messy, so I feel like I'm wasting my time.

I wish that we had the ability to not be disgusting slobs.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Stupid X-rays

I didn't get to exercise at all today because I had to get stupid X-rays taken instead. Like 7000 of them.

So I ask about whether I can still breastfeed after I get shot full of iodine, and they have to look it up, but then the lady says, yes, I can.

Then she asks about my baby. How old is he? Boy or girl? What's his name? Roland?

A puzzled look. She clearly wants an explanation for the unusual name. So I explain.

I named him after the Chanson de Roland, which was the first epic written in the French vernacular....

I get a blank look. This is not the explanation she wanted. She is not comfortable with the word "vernacular."

Each and every time I have an experience like this, I start to feel very alone.

Monday, August 07, 2006

I like to fight the ocean.

You know those stories where a lone warrior, impossibly outnumbered, decides to fight a huge army anyway?

I think I finally get it. That's how I feel when I am at the ocean.

No matter how many times the waves body-slam me into the sand, I still have to keep coming back for more.

It's because the act of fighting against something so big and so much more powerful than me, makes me feel important.


Why do I have to get a kidney stone on my vacation? During the 6 1/2 hour car ride back?

Advice to everyone: Don't get a kidney stone. It will make you want to kill yourself.

Friday, August 04, 2006


I am having a vacation starting today.

It is my first vacation in several years and even though it is only 3 days long, I was so excited last night that I could not sleep. Which was a good thing, because the baby woke up at 5:30 a.m. and he didn't feel like sleeping much either.

I am going to flop around in the ocean, and swim in the pool, and lift some weights, and ride my bike, and play tennis. I don't intend to relax the whole time.

I was completely stupid at work yesterday because I was paying no attention at all. But I don't even care.

My only regret is that I will miss picking up my weekly supply of lentil burgers at the Monkton Village Market.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I'm really depressed that I'm not perfect.