Sunday, August 13, 2006

I suck. I have the worst body ever.

Ok, so last weekend I go to the ocean, and I get a kidney stone.

This weekend I go for a bike ride, and now I can't get up. Literally. I'm stuck in the chair because it takes me 5 tries, and a lot of yelling and moaning and contorting into weird positions to get out of the chair, and it hurts so badly that it isn't even worth it.

Why do I have to have such a trashy self?


Blogger Phoooiee said...

I have been to the chiropractor. It helps a lot, but then I just hurt it again. I have been to the family doctor, who sent me to an orthopedist, who said "Well, you should do some exercises to build up your abdominal strength"- until I told him how many ab exercises I do, and then he said, "Well, I guess you don't need to exercise any more, do you?"

The orthopedist and the chiropractor all took x-rays, and I have also had an MRI- all normal.

I think the problem is that when I am cycling I use a slow cadence and huge, heavy gear, and that isn't good for your back- or so I found out today. So I will have to adjust my technique so that I'm getting a for-real cardio workout out of it instead of just a very long strength-training workout- that stinks! I hate getting out of breath and all.

5:52 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Well, you're an inspiration to the rest of us anyhow - that may or may not be any consolation to you...

8:25 PM  

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