
Friday, November 10, 2006


Ok, I know I haven't written anything in a while. But now I'm so unhappy I figured I had to.

I suck. At least when it comes to singing the part of Silverpeal in Mozart's The Impresario.

You see, I am a spinto soprano. A spinto soprano is not the same as a coloratura soprano. I have a lot of flexibility- actually I have been told that my flexibility is extraordinary- but I do not have the high range of a coloratura.

So, as it happens, I am great at singing at all the separate parts of this opera. They all sound great. The problem is, that I can only sing them separately. That's because the part is so persistently high, that after about 2 minutes, my voice is SO TIRED that I can't sing in that register anymore. So I just squeak.

I don't know how to break this to the woman who asked me to sing the part.

I am really hoping and praying that maybe it is just because of the cough I've had for the past several weeks. I don't think it is, though.

The best part? The opera is about two sopranos who are arguing about which one is better the whole time. I totally want to change my words and be like, "yeah, you're right, I'm definitely not that good. Actually, I'm pretty terrible, you win."