Friday, November 10, 2006


Ok, I know I haven't written anything in a while. But now I'm so unhappy I figured I had to.

I suck. At least when it comes to singing the part of Silverpeal in Mozart's The Impresario.

You see, I am a spinto soprano. A spinto soprano is not the same as a coloratura soprano. I have a lot of flexibility- actually I have been told that my flexibility is extraordinary- but I do not have the high range of a coloratura.

So, as it happens, I am great at singing at all the separate parts of this opera. They all sound great. The problem is, that I can only sing them separately. That's because the part is so persistently high, that after about 2 minutes, my voice is SO TIRED that I can't sing in that register anymore. So I just squeak.

I don't know how to break this to the woman who asked me to sing the part.

I am really hoping and praying that maybe it is just because of the cough I've had for the past several weeks. I don't think it is, though.

The best part? The opera is about two sopranos who are arguing about which one is better the whole time. I totally want to change my words and be like, "yeah, you're right, I'm definitely not that good. Actually, I'm pretty terrible, you win."


Blogger Sacky said...

Shut it up, stinky butt.

Nobody can sing when they have a snot head and a shitty cough.


6:11 PM  
Blogger Phoooiee said...

I don't have a snot head. Just a cough. And anyway, that's not the real problem. The real problem is that I suck.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I hope it's an opera where people meow at people! I've never heard of that happening, but it sounds awfully fun!

12:08 AM  
Blogger Phoooiee said...

No, no one meows.

It's on the day before New Year's Eve, just at Fay's house.

4:21 AM  
Blogger Phoooiee said...

That's the one I thought it was but I wasn't sure. You can get it on DVD, on the internet or maybe at An Die Musik.

2:22 PM  
Blogger furiousBall said...

the opera with the meowing ladies was of course the genesis of rap battling at least that's what the bible says

4:50 AM  
Blogger Phoooiee said...

Ok, actually I didn't suck at all. I was really good. I don't know why I always think I'm going to suck before any performance.

12:28 PM  

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