Monday, September 18, 2006


This weekend I went on a trip to visit my grandmother in Pennsylvania. It was a pretty good trip. My brother and I did the second half of a taped interview of my grandmother, which went very well. Some of it was profound, like when she was talking about loving one another, and giving her advice on how to live life. On the other hand, some of it was just funny. We asked her what the greatest invention of the entire 20th century was, and she immediately replied with great enthusiasm, "the safety pin!" She also gave some great anecdotes about my grandfather, now deceased, who had interesting habits (he would bark at children in the grocery store just to see what they would do, and yell at cashiers, and stay out all night drinking). The thing I found most surprising was that she hadn't been very enthusiastic about marrying my grandfather- she told us that she kept trying to break up with him, but he seemed not to understand what she meant, so she married him anyway.

There were two bad things about the trip. Sacky didn't go, and I missed him because we never see each other with his work schedule. Also, I didn't get enough of a break. My kid woke up many times during the night, and now I don't feel good. I'm not sure if I'm sick or dehyrated, but either way, I'm staying home from work today.

On the way home, our van broke. We managed to get it home but had to immediately drop it off at the dealership to be repaired. This is bad because my car is also in horrible shape and Sacky thinks that a wheel may fall off of it at any time. I am inclined to believe him. If it rains, it swerves in and out of the correct lane BY ITSELF with no help from the operator of the vehicle. This is sort of scary with a baby in the car.

So, due to the car problems, I had to drive Sacky to work this morning. I got sick (or dehydrated) in the car, so the ride back was unpleasant. It was made more unpleasant when I got a call at 9:17 from the student I was supposed to teach at 9:00- I forgot about them entirely in the confusion. So they asked if I could see them tomorrow instead, and I said yes, forgetting about the fact that I have Pilates and yoga tomorrow. So I might just move them again, but that won't look good at all.

Then, at 12:35, the student I had been supposed to see at 1:15 called, and I had to explain that although I had told her that my husband would be home to watch the baby, he really wouldn't be, because his work was not doing what they said, and she would have to wait 2 more weeks, and I hadn't called her because I hadn't bothered to take down her number, sorry about that.
I don't think she was very happy but luckily at the time I was too sick to care.

So I had a good trip but a stupid morning. I drank a half gallon of water, followed by a half gallon of decaf iced tea, and now I am mostly better. So maybe I will try to clean my house this evening since I already cancelled all my lessons. That would make it all worth it, if I could make a dent in this mess.


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